why... ?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!
stupid life of mine ~~ i shud just die ryt now.
now i realize no one, not even someone close to you can be fully honest with you. and being too hopeful may lead to disappointment. and loving too much may lead to heartbreaks.
=( eff this life of mine.
:( lagi nlang. AS IN LAGI. I THINK love doesn't exist anymore in my dicionary :( haaay.. wtf is wrong with me. -_- once i find myself starting to enjoy something new, that something will just drift away like it wasn't there at all in the fiirst place :( CAN'T ANYBODY JUST BE SINCERE WITH ME FOR ONCE?! . i mean yes my friends are what i have left now. :[ but i have this need to be loved =[
wtf. i dunno why. dont ask me.. :( the second i see an opportunity , it suddenly closes up on me. i've taken too many risks and thought of too many ways on how to make my life better but i' m still here, stuck, trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. :( tssss i need time alone.. or... i dunno.. ---
i hate life and it's blahs. ~_~ urgh..
NOW's not the time to joke around with me coz i'm in "thinking mode". even though i seem really happy on the outside but on the inside i am NOT.okay? NO. sorry but this bulletin is so useless.. i guess no one would dare read this exept you. -_- if there even is a "you". hay.
AND when does the word "always" mean 11 months???? huh??!!?!? when!!!!! -_- i need a hug :( hay.if ever you care. well thanks..watever :[ no one does.
*this is NOT being emo. im just depressed*