Music saves our souls![]() | ||||||||
Don't hate; Appreciate!
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Saturday, August 16, 2008, 12:59 PM
Sunday Brunch etc :)
Hey guys :) whew! how time flies. It's Sunday again, It's " Brunch" day for me coz i tend to wake up at about 11:00 noon :) Yeah..and my mom's making 3 kinds of Pizza and Carbonara for taste testing (and of course Brunch) ^^, Woop! Ella's birthday is coming up!! (BITS!!:]) yeah she's my bits :] (hahahh dont ask why XD) it's our tawagan . Anyhoo..i just finished studying for our upcoming periodical tests which starts on Tuesday (first day) and ends on Thursday. Blah,my brain is hurting!! and I still have Trigo. and Geom. tutorials at 1:30 pm. sigh. OMG. we're turning 1 on September 12, 2008!!!! XDXD i can't wait! i never thought that we'd go that far :) raaaah!=] && I still don't know what to give him :[ well i have choices already but which one from them??. Oh yeah, our school canteen is selling Yoghurt already! (happiness.*) i think i wanna go on a diet XD and Yoghurt''s the only thing i would eat (well, during lunch only ) but i dunno if i cud do that coz sometimes I get really really hungry coz of Geometry and Chemistry class.. ( too much solving!) urgh...but i'll still try :) i think? :)) I'm hungry na tuloy :)) i wanna eeaat!!! but the food ain't ready yet so i will have to wait ..pssh..Hmm..i think my next blog will be about the things i wanna do before i die XD hahahh! (yes i say random **it ) hahahaha! nah..i'll just update you with what will happen during the upcoming week (EXAMS!). I can't wait to get it over with. =P we're gonna have 4 tests everyday for three days..coz we have 3 Maths and 3 Sciences (i guess) and we have 13 subjects (the test for P.E. is on Friday. i dunno if am or pm :D) But it is still an advantage coz i'm studying in a Science Oriented High school :) coz some people say that students form other schools, which are non-science oriented; no offense :P , have a hard time in the science portion in the entrance tests when applying for college.So i am grateful for entering this school :P hahahaha! In one particular school here in Legazpi , there was a **x scandal which was video taped. A video which had been already passed on to a lot of people . In that video, there were two 4th year high school students 'doing it' in 5 different places! my god! X[ and a family friend said that the guy's name was *h******n ,he did'nt know the girl's name. It's so kadiri and nakakasira ng reputation coz I came from that school and they did that! IN SCHOOL GROUNDS!! urgh..sickening. kawawa naman ung administration dun, they probably don't know what's happening to their students. Hayy... i hope they expell those two students or sumthing.. :| its gross! why is teenage prostitution increasing!? God. i hope no one does that that's all for now :) Take Care Everyone! :x blair loves you Labels: August 20, birthday, canteen, ella, happy, nijo, periodicals, yoghurt |
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt. |
LINKS my other one :) backtoyesterday
+ Pista Sa Nayon (late Blog) + i amm sooo bored XDXD.. thanks ella for suggesting... + hello blogger =] wheni'mgone
+ August 2008 + September 2008 takeabow
A accidentality productions Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |