Music saves our souls![]() | ||||||||||||
Don't hate; Appreciate!
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Sunday, August 31, 2008, 4:12 AM
Based from advices and experiences from me and my friends. repost if you want.. i dont care.i just want people to be careful.. i don't want YOU GUYS to go through what I'm going through right now.. -sus. trying to forget loving someone for LAME reasons is not a way of showing care . and you know it. - AND you can't just forget the feeling u hav for a person JUST LIKE THAT. that's stupid and can't happen. -and if u you just don't like the point of having a person called as your bf/gf, a break-up IS NOT the solution..u just need time alone for yourself for a short while.. but no matter how hard you try, you will still love that person,and you can't deny it. Even if u try hurting him or her just to get away, u just can't stop it. -LONG distance relationships DO work.. if you're not STUPID enough to handle it. but if you do ONE wrong move,KARMA will take care of you. -LOVE is DIFFERENT from infatuation. -no matter how hard you try to MOVE ON, you can't help but be sad once in a while.. and you know in your heart it's NOT THE RIGHT THING to do, to lose contact or something. - if you ask your ex to be one of your friends, expect that EX TO HATE YOUR NEXT. -ALWAYS balance your time with friends and that SPECIAL someone. And always have something to perk up your relationship. You don't want that someone to think you've lost your flavor. It's like gum losing it's taste. -A Relationship is a GIVE AND TAKE process. YOU manage your time, and exert just the ryt amount of effort,while having fun being in it. :) -EXPLAINING everything and BEING OPEN to each other's opinions is the TRICK to having a long lasting relationship. -BOTH OF YOU should do the decisions not only one of you will DECIDE. PERIOD. -Having crushes or flings is SOMETIMES OK.. just as long as you have him/her in your heart ALL THE TIME. -JEALOUSY is one sign that you are concerned. It's not that you DONT TRUST him/her,it's just that you have to tell him/her everything. is not bad as long as it doesn't take over your emotions. -LOVE is never ending.. it doesn't fail as long as you believe in it. :) I DO. -DOUBTING is natural. If you wanna clear things out, you approach him/her and make sure what you SAY is true. - COLLEGE is not a good reason. NO.sorry but it really just isn't a good one Saturday, August 30, 2008, 9:21 PM
First Gig =]
![]() @ Jollibee with friends :D ![]() After the program with Jappy,Jake,Jose and Yusuf @ Lamia Tazza :D ![]() Pot,Khim,Natz,Ella,Camz,Corz,Nina @ Gazelle before the program:D we aint complete there :) first gig ever :D nung Friday sa penaranda park :) me and my co dancers presented for the closing ceremonies of the Buwan ng Mga Wika :D Aquinas used the Park for the program :P buti di sobrang dami nanuod :P hahah! it was fun. Before going to the park, me and my friends went first to vikki's house at the airport. We used one room in Gazelle to get ready for the show :D hahahah :P we all took a bath coz we've been practicing for the whole day ! gauhd. si Chad kasi X[ hahah i we were supposed to go there sa venue mg before six but we ended up going there after seven :)) hahah! weh. we had to change and freshen up pa eh! and the program hasn't started yet . It started mga 7:20 or 7:30 or so. We were so nervous when we noticed thet it was our turn to present na! XD hahah! but it was one heck of a night. After party ^^:: -well not actually party...I went out with my friends namely jappy,jake,ella,corz,yusuf and jose going to jollibee. Corinne went home after eating, and Ella went home na coz her dad picked her up sa Jollibee. So it was me,jappy, jake jose and Yusuf nalang..We went to La Mia Tazza, just across the street from where jollibee was ;) so yun..we oredered Iced Hazelnut Mocha :) i never thought it would be so strong! i ended up sleeping at 3 am :)) hahahha! When it was about 10:30, Jose and Yusuf went home na..they took the jeep. After they have left, Jappy,jake and I went to Chickin', Peneranda park and Lamia again :D we walkde arpund in that area of albay :) while talking about stuff ^^, Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:27 AM
STEP UP 2 THE STREETS. watch this! :D
TAE ANG GALING. matagal na actuallly toh. hehhe..super taas balahibo ko XD , 4:27 AM
Stress is killing me.
i can' believe THIS is happening..hay..and may mga stuff which concerns our class (grades! X[ ) hay...3rd year sucks..ayoko na.. talaga.
i hope evrything would turn out to be okay in the end. :( i just have to THINK POSITIVE!!!!!! peace out~ B. Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 5:38 AM
raah =]] i love RYAN HIGA!! Monday, August 18, 2008, 1:53 AM
yes naman! XD
, 1:51 AM
yes naman! XD
, 12:53 AM
darn survey XD
1. Name. Age. Gender? -nina (yan lang mabbgay ko) 2. What song is playing on your headset? - 21 questions 50 cent 3. Why? - coz it's on shuffle XD 4. What describes your relationship situation? - stable =P nijo!!!!! 5. Where were you three hours ago? - here, in front of the pc 6. What was the last movie you saw? - Poseidon :D 7. What was the last food you ate? - dinner :) 8. Last surprise you got? - pasalubong from mom :) 9. Who was your last conversation with? - josh :) 10. Ever been out without underwear on? - HAHHA! no. 11. Color of your shirt now? - white :) 12. What is your middle name? - secret 13. Ever been to the beach at night? - yep :) 14. Are you a bad influence? - hahaha nope :P well i dunno? i dont think so :D 15. What was the last argument you had about? - me -_- 16. Rather have your name or your siblings name? - mine :) 17. Do you love someone right now? - YES :) a lot of people :D 18. Do they love you back? - yep :)) and i KNOW it (right? XD) 19. Favorite colors? - black,red,blue,yellow (i like bright colors) 20. Ever held a baby? - yes ^^ 21. Last song you heard? - Wait a minute by the Pussycat dolls 22. Wear glasses? - yep :P 23. Last thing someone bought for you? - a keychain (thanks!^^,) 24. Does your best friend have a friendster? - DUH :) yes ofcourse. 25. Whose page did you visit last? - josh's i guess?:)) 26. Where is your phone? - here with me 27. Next event you're going to? - none yet. :P 29. Best event you've ever been to? - My sister's debut party XD 30. Emo or Scene? - Scene :) well sumtyms XD 31. Do you sing in the car? - sometimes :P 32. Do you ever sing in the shower? - haahah yeah sumtyms :D 33. What's in your CD player right now? - i dont have one O.o 34. Last person to tell you they loved you? - mom :) 35. Do you think they meant it? - yes! 36. Last person spoke to on the phone? - fishna :P 37. Do you like to dance? - hahaha DUH. YEAH 39. Who is the next person you will kiss? - uh... it's a mystery! :> 40. How's your heart lately? - stressed ._. 41. When was the last time you were really happy? - secret :D Saturday, August 16, 2008, 12:59 PM
Sunday Brunch etc :)
Hey guys :) whew! how time flies. It's Sunday again, It's " Brunch" day for me coz i tend to wake up at about 11:00 noon :) Yeah..and my mom's making 3 kinds of Pizza and Carbonara for taste testing (and of course Brunch) ^^, Woop! Ella's birthday is coming up!! (BITS!!:]) yeah she's my bits :] (hahahh dont ask why XD) it's our tawagan . Anyhoo..i just finished studying for our upcoming periodical tests which starts on Tuesday (first day) and ends on Thursday. Blah,my brain is hurting!! and I still have Trigo. and Geom. tutorials at 1:30 pm. sigh. OMG. we're turning 1 on September 12, 2008!!!! XDXD i can't wait! i never thought that we'd go that far :) raaaah!=] && I still don't know what to give him :[ well i have choices already but which one from them??. Oh yeah, our school canteen is selling Yoghurt already! (happiness.*) i think i wanna go on a diet XD and Yoghurt''s the only thing i would eat (well, during lunch only ) but i dunno if i cud do that coz sometimes I get really really hungry coz of Geometry and Chemistry class.. ( too much solving!) urgh...but i'll still try :) i think? :)) I'm hungry na tuloy :)) i wanna eeaat!!! but the food ain't ready yet so i will have to wait ..pssh..Hmm..i think my next blog will be about the things i wanna do before i die XD hahahh! (yes i say random **it ) hahahaha! nah..i'll just update you with what will happen during the upcoming week (EXAMS!). I can't wait to get it over with. =P we're gonna have 4 tests everyday for three days..coz we have 3 Maths and 3 Sciences (i guess) and we have 13 subjects (the test for P.E. is on Friday. i dunno if am or pm :D) But it is still an advantage coz i'm studying in a Science Oriented High school :) coz some people say that students form other schools, which are non-science oriented; no offense :P , have a hard time in the science portion in the entrance tests when applying for college.So i am grateful for entering this school :P hahahaha! In one particular school here in Legazpi , there was a **x scandal which was video taped. A video which had been already passed on to a lot of people . In that video, there were two 4th year high school students 'doing it' in 5 different places! my god! X[ and a family friend said that the guy's name was *h******n ,he did'nt know the girl's name. It's so kadiri and nakakasira ng reputation coz I came from that school and they did that! IN SCHOOL GROUNDS!! urgh..sickening. kawawa naman ung administration dun, they probably don't know what's happening to their students. Hayy... i hope they expell those two students or sumthing.. :| its gross! why is teenage prostitution increasing!? God. i hope no one does that that's all for now :) Take Care Everyone! :x blair loves you Labels: August 20, birthday, canteen, ella, happy, nijo, periodicals, yoghurt , 8:19 AM
Pista Sa Nayon (late Blog)
![]() Angela,Gladys,Nina(moi),and Sharra =) we still don't know who won in the Food Fest XD i Hope it's us :D Gladys and I were the ones who presented the food to the judges*yikes!* Before this we had a mass with Father Mon Mendez :) after the food fest, there were "Native Games" held in Aquinas Rawis this event lasted for the whole day :D it was so fun!! ^_^ , 8:02 AM
![]() i amm sooo bored XDXD.. thanks ella for suggesting that i make a blogspot acct,well kinda? :)) hahah! coz i was soo bored.the she asked me if i have one..well i DID have one but i forgot all about it XD :P and i cant study! coz i am friking stressed out coz of school :P waaaa. :P first of all.i hate E.R. urgh..even our gay teacher. GOD! >_<> , 6:42 AM
hello blogger =]
yhOo know yu love me :D .blair ^^, |
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt. |
LINKS my other one :) backtoyesterday
+ jappie & jappy 2 :D + jappie & jappy! :D + when will i find my penguin. + sucker for love X] + MY ADVICES :) + First Gig =] + STEP UP 2 THE STREETS. watch this! :D + Stress is killing me. + WATCH!!XD + yes naman! XD wheni'mgone
+ August 2008 + September 2008 takeabow
A accidentality productions Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |